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Branch Out Dallas

Vickery Place Neighborhood Association will be coordinating with the City of Dallas and the Boy Scouts to help line our streets with Freshly Planted Trees. Please register for your Free Tree from the City of Dallas' Branch Out Program and also sign up on our Neighborhood Coordination Form to ensure we are allowed to pick up your tree and deliver it to you! The Trees are Free of Charge and the Boy Scouts will assist with planting the Trees in the parkway. Ensure that you choose the Bishop Lynch Pickup location. Informally, we are recommending that you choose the Elm Tree as their roots grow straight down. Please call 811 ahead of time so that we can plant the new trees swiftly!
National Night Out
Forward Dallas

You may remember at the VPNA May 2023 meeting, we learned about Forward Dallas and the opportunity to give input to the City on what you want to see for how public and private land should be used. The Forward Dallas public engagement meetings are currently on pause while the City inputs feedback received at these meetings, workshops, and from the online interactive land use map. Public Open Houses to review the draft plan will resume in August. Attend a come-and-go open house to review proposed future land uses for your community. Get involved in this once-in-a-decade opportunity that can shape development in Dallas for years to come. Forward Dallas Website
Kroger Community Rewards

When you do your grocery shopping at Kroger, don’t forget there is an easy way to also support Vickery Place Neighborhood Association. VPNA is a registered charity with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. A few simple steps will help raise funds to support more neighborhood activities.
To Connect With Kroger Community Rewards:
• Sign into your Kroger Rewards digital account (or easily set one up if you do not already have an account).
• Select “My Account”.
• Scroll down to the ‘Community Rewards’ section of your account page.
• Select ‘Enroll Now’ or ‘Edit’.
• Enter the name of the organization you wish to support.
• Select ‘Vickery Place Neighborhood Association’ and click on ‘Save’.
Any transactions moving forward using the card number associated with your Kroger digital account will be applied to the Community Rewards program. It takes about 10 days for the Community Rewards totals to begin displaying on your receipt. Vickery Place NA gets quarterly rewards payments—last quarter we received $46.99. The more neighbors who shop with Kroger and connect their digital account with Vickery Place, the more funds our organization will earn! Thank You!
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