First General Meeting Notes
Vickery Place Neighborhood Association's first General Meeting of the year was a great success! Thanks to all who made it! Thank you to Local Public Eatery for generously hosting us!

Vickery Place Neighborhood Association's first General Meeting of the year was a great success! Thanks to all who made it!
To Recap:
- The vote for Pet Waste Stations passed and we will continue forward on that effort.
- We are still looking for one more volunteer to host a pet waste station on Worcola!
- More information: Neighborhood Poll - Dog Waste Stations
- We discussed some upcoming events such as:
- St. Patrick's Sign Placement Event (Mark your calendars for March 13th!)
- Wine Walk (Want to Host? Sign up here!)
- National Night Out (Planned for the first week in October!)
Thank you to Local Public Eatery for hosting us, providing an awesome space, and donating a $50 gift card for us to giveaway at the meeting!
Keep an eye out for our next event!
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